The Annual Vestry meeting (business meeting) for Little Trinity Church will take place in person and online on Zoom on Sunday, March 3 at 12:30pm, when we will celebrate the ministry and finances of 2023 while looking ahead to 2024. All members of Little T are encouraged to attend.
For those wishing to attend online, please email Gae in the office () or James Beck (YT facilitator for Sunday) for the YouTube link (). (Note: if you would like to be part of the live chat, ask questions and vote, you need to have a Gmail account.)
Are you a member? If you can declare the following you are a full voting member:
“I solemnly declare that I have been a member of the Anglican Church of Canada and of this congregation for at least three (3) months, that I have attended regularly scheduled services of worship with this congregation at least three (3) times in the past year, that I am of the full age of sixteen (16) years and that I have not voted as a member of any other vestry during the previous three (3) months, nor do I intend to vote in any other vestry during the ensuing year”.
Download the 2023 Finances and 2024 Proposed Operating Budget