Arts & Creators

Promoting the Artist Community:

Thurs, Oct 17, 7:30pm, Little Trinity Church – An evening of story and song with the Steve Bell Band, featuring music from Steve’s 23rd solo release, The Glad Surprise, as well as Steve Bell classics and favourites. Steve will be accompanied by Gilles Fournier (bass), Murray Pulver (guitar), and special guest Mike Janzen (piano). Tickets available online HERE. For more information, call Signpost Music toll-free at 1-800-854-3499.

Available now, on YouTube, “The Sermon Project” [Audio recordings] [Parishioner involved: Peter Kennedy]:

The Sermon Project is very excited to release the first in our new series: Sermons of the Middle Ages!

Embark on a captivating journey through time with The Sermon Project’s Medieval Preachers Podcast. Immerse yourself in sermons from the 4th to the 15th century, featuring powerful orators from Augustine and Aelfric, to Wulfstan and Wyclif. We’ve revitalized the language to modern English, offering scripture introductions where relevant. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised (or shocked) as timeless issues are unveiled in a contemporary light. Join us as we breathe new life into the old!

More information at

New Podcast:

(please subscribe and comment!) 


If you like this type of content and want more of it, please consider partnering with us. In Canada, The Sermon Project is fully charitable and all donations receive a tax-deductible receipt. If you’re outside Canada, we would still love for you to partner with us too, but unfortunately cannot offer a tax receipt.  For more information and donation links, go to

If you have a concert, play, gallery, showing, etc. coming up, please contact Laurie, our Creative Coordinator at to post virtually here, on our Grapevine email, our social media and downstairs in the church on the Artist Community Board.

Connecting the Artist Community:

We have artists and creators at Little T! Many of them! And we would like to connect and promote the work that they’re doing in print, photography, drama, music and art and more.

We have had and hope to have events to connect our artists and creators. We have Open Mic nights for performances and fellowship in the parish hall. We also like to share our vision for the future with ideas and listen for where God is leading us. Get in touch with Laurie to become part of this community.