Good Food Market

Located near the Distillery District of Toronto, this weekly Good Food Market at 425 King Street East (outside the church) will be a place to access good quality, healthy fruits and vegetables at wholesale prices. Little Trinity Anglican Church has been part of this community since 1842 and continues to thrive as a church in the area. This Good Food Market aims to promote food security and build community in a part of the city that is seeing rapid renewal and growth.

Become a volunteer in this exciting and much-needed venture in Corktown! To find out more details – email Karen at .

Our partners, FoodShare are a known organization doing these markets throughout the city. FoodShare is a food justice organization, advocating for the right to food, and working to challenge the systemic barriers that keep people from accessing the food they need to thrive. We support community-led food initiatives and work alongside communities most affected by poverty and food insecurity

There are many different ways to be part of the Good Food Market which runs weekly on Wednesdays, from 5-7pm. If you’d like to volunteer in any way, please email Karen at .

June 20, 2024 Update

We have nine markets under our belts, and we’ve been having a ton of fun! A few fun facts:

  • We have sold over $5,000 worth of affordable fruits and veggies!
  • We have served over 700 customers
  • We have had $632 worth of “heart tokens” purchased for others to use
  • We have donated or given away about $530 worth of produce to the Good Shepherd Ministries
  • We have about 40 volunteers involved, including some coming in from the community who don’t attend Little T

We are very grateful for all the prayers, love, support, and sunshine that we have received over the past nine weeks!

Going forward, we are excited to announce that we will be running through the fall and winter! If you would like to volunteer in the fall, please let Karen know. ()

Also, join us at the market Aug 21 at the next opportunity to enjoy live music from our very own Ben Chan!

Little T’s Market “Heart” Scheme:
Here’s how it works:
Each heart token represents $1

Use a Heart:
Anyone can use up to 10 heart tokens to help cover their bill. Maybe you forgot your wallet or maybe things are a little tight this week. We don’t ask. You don’t have to justify.

Buy a Heart:
Feeling flush? Buy a few tokens and place them in the basket. Anyone can purchase a heart token. It’s our pay-it-forward system.

Adding $1 or $2 to your bill may make a big difference for our friends who use the scheme. Community care is a beautiful thing!

Come check out the Market – See a quick video HERE! Become a volunteer in this exciting and much-needed venture in Corktown! To find out more details – email Karen at .