
Ministry Staff

lt (14)

Tim Haughton

Rector (Senior Pastor)

When you ask Tim why he became a minister, his short answer is “What a privilege it is to get front row seats to watching God at work in a person’s life”!

Tim and his wife Laurie began their time with us at Little Trinity in March of 2013. They are parents to two boys Joshua (14) and Kaleb (13) who teach them richly of God’s love for us. Tim is an avid outdoorsman and so when he’s not carrying out his responsibilities as husband / father / pastor you’ll find him often afield enjoying the great outdoors.

Tim graduated in 2001 from Wycliffe with an MDiv, which followed a BSc in Biochemistry / Chemistry from the University of Western Ontario .

Tim’s passion is walking with others the road of discipleship, pointing people toward the truths of the gospel which are transformative as the Spirit of God applies them to every aspect of our lives.

416.367.0272 x 228
thaughton [at]

lt (18)

James Beck

Lay Pastoral Associate

While I have always believed that a person’s job is merely the arena in which one works out his or her calling, it is nice when the arena dovetails with the calling. My passion is pastoral care and counselling and I have almost always found opportunities to exercise that passion regardless of occupation. From the early 1980s I have had occasion to take positions of formal pastoral ministry in various communities. I fulfilled a similar role here at Little T between 2000 and 2002 and am humbled and honoured to be able to do so again.

I have a Bachelor of Theology, an honours BA in History and Classics, and an MA from Wycliffe College in Church History and Theology. I have always pursued my studies with the underlying goal of helping me understand the human condition, how we relate to each other and how we relate to our God.

In my free time I enjoy spending time with my wife and our two children, cooking too much good food, and exploring the world around us.

416.367.0272 x 225
pastoralcare [at]


Karen Koiter

Justice Animator

Karen joined the Little Trinity team in January 2023 in the newly formed ‘justice animator’ position. In this role she works to come alongside the Little T community and help them discern God’s call upon them in matters of justice, and to ‘animate’ them into acts of justice. Karen is passionate about helping each person know that they are loved by God, and seeing them grow in love for God, their neighbours, and themselves in response. 

Karen is from beautiful rural Manitoba originally and has made Toronto home since 2010. Prior to that she spent time serving in overseas missions in various parts of Africa and Europe. She holds an Advanced Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics from the University of Manitoba, a Master of Theological Studies from Wycliffe College (University of Toronto), and a Certificate of Anglican Studies from Wycliffe College.

Karen was ordained an Anglican priest in 2018 and has served in different churches around the Diocese of Toronto. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring rural Ontario with her husband, Ian, playing games with friends, reading, traveling, and building pillow forts for her two cats, Loki and Auggie.

416.367.0272 x 236
kkoiter [at]

lt (4)

Morgan Tyler-Chu

Youth Ministry

Morgan’s love for Youth Ministry was born out of a passion to see young people fully embrace a life of following Jesus.  When they begin to find freedom in their identity in Christ and understand that they can lead for Him even now, what can’t God do with that!

Before joining the Little T team in 2014, Morgan spent seven years directing the Leaders In Training Program at Ontario Pioneer Camp, and many years before that investing in the lives of youth and young adults, both in camp and church settings.  She loves the adventure and challenge found in walking with people during such a formative season of life.

She is married to Fred and has two kids, William and Jonathan.  When she is not hanging out with the youth, she enjoys going on outdoor adventures, playing games with family and finding new creative outlets.

416.367.0272 x 222
youth [at]


Laurie Haughton

Coordinator, Volunteer & Creative

Laurie joined the Little Trinity team as the Volunteer & Creative Coordinator in September 2022 after working for her own photography company and authoring a book while raising her two sons (Joshua and Kaleb). She brings a wealth of knowledge on discerning the gifts of others and helping steer those gifts to the right roles in ministry. She has also been very involved in the growing arts community at Little Trinity and is excited to explore how we can utilize the gifts and talents of the community to Love God, Grow Together and to Serve our World.

In her spare time, Laurie loves writing and photography, in particular; finding the beauty in the most mundane or broken things as well as all the beauty in God’s creation. She enjoys travel and the beach and spending time with her family and friends. She’s the extrovert in the family and enjoys making new friends whenever she can.

416.367.0272 x 242 or text-to-serve 647-637-3833

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Janelle Gordon

Children’s Ministry Director

Janelle has been a parishioner at Little T since 2001. Both Janelle and her husband, Stephen, have volunteered in the Children’s Ministry since their sons, now 9 and 11, were babies. Janelle has stepped into the Acting Director of Children’s Ministry role for the 2022-23 year because of her deep desire to support this crucial ministry.

Janelle has a BA (Psychology) from the University of Manitoba and a PhD (Organizational Behaviour) from the University of Toronto. Prior to taking on her current role at Little T, she was the Associate Teaching Director (a volunteer role) at the Community Bible Study (CBS) Toronto downtown class.

Janelle enjoys reading, cooking, eating out, and spending time with her family and friends. She avoids gardening whenever possible.

416.367.0272 x 226
children [at]


Natalie Lundy

Children’s Ministry Assistant Director

Natalie respects the relationship that already exists between God and the child. Her desire is to help each child come closer to God by themselves. In understanding a child’s developmental, it shows that they long for the essential truths of Christianity and the unchangeable love of the Good Shepherd.

Natalie has been serving in Children’s Ministry at Little T since 2013. She has received Level 1 (3-6 year old) and Level 2 (6-9 year old) certification in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd which is Little T’s foundational curricula. Natalie has been creating and growing atrias (classroom spaces) for the PreK’s (2-4 year olds), the K-1’s (Jk-Gr 1) and the Grade 2-5’s with great people at Little T over the past 5 years.

Natalie received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Penn State University, in State College, Pennsylvania and practices nursing at SickKids Hospital in the Cardiac Critical Care Unit on a casual basis. Her husband John and their two children, Luke and Annelies, are her blessings.

Natalie’s prayer is that all children find the golden thread that connects them into His church and into His kingdom.

416.367.0272 x 227
natalielundy [at]

Support Ministries

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Gae Keyzer

Parish Administrator

Gae (said Jay) Keyzer is originally from Winnipeg and is proud to be a prairie girl.  She came on staff in 2018 and enjoys being part of the team at Little T – organization and administration for the team is her focus.  Gae has a strong passion for the arts (music, writing, visual) as well and continues to find ways to be part of them. She splits her time between work, teaching piano lessons and her busy home life. She is married to former actor turned funeral director, Blair. They have four teenagers between fourteen and nineteen – Max, Charlie, Lucy and Molly. Gae has a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Radio & TV from Ryerson University and an ARCT in Piano Performance. She also received a 2 year Diploma from Briercrest Bible College.

When she gets time, Gae likes to read (as part of her book club), go camping with her family and hang out with the dog and cat.

416.367.0272 x 224
admin [at]


Jodi Janzen

Music Coordinator

Jodi began attending Little T in 2004 after moving to Toronto from the Manitoba prairies. Along with her husband Mike, Jodi has enjoyed being actively involved in the musical worship at Little T. After years of teaching in the elementary classroom setting, she is thrilled to now be home with her daughters while spending time each week scheduling and facilitating the music ministry at Little T.  Jodi loves to uncover hidden musical talent within the congregation and connect budding musicians with opportunities to grow and share their musical gifts.

music [at]

lt (11)

Kelly McDonough


Originally born on Manitoulin Island Reserve, Kelly moved south to Lake Simcoe, but returned to work on her grandparents Island farm every summer all her life. Kelly and her daughter Holly joined Little T and as a newcomer to the city, felt she finally had found a place that felt like home! Participating in many of the groups and delving into the repairs at Little T helped Kelly grow the relationships that she dearly loves to this day.

In her role as Facility Manager, Kelly ensures that all 4 buildings and 3 surrounding parklands are safe and enjoyable spaces to gather for worship and community uses.

Kelly’s background in architecture training and keys skills learned during many years working globally on the Trans Canada Pipeline all lend themselves to having a unique blend when planning or engaging in the diverse challenges presented with our vintage buildings, evolving uses and changing demographics.

Kelly was a 2013 Volunteer of The Year for the Canadian Breast foundations and continues to lend support to this cause having been a survivor of cancer twice in her life. Kelly also lends her time and support to the Wounded Warrior Foundation, Disaster Ready and Red Cross Emergency Response Planning.

416.367.0272 x 240
facilities [at]