Youth Ministry

Little Trinity has a youth program dedicated to helping young people learn about the love, truth, and power of Jesus Christ.

Campaigners – we will begin on Sept 8 this fall!!  From September to June, for youth in grades 6-8 (we call them Campaigners), during the 9:00am and 10:45am Sunday morning services, we meet in the Youth Lounge in Little Trinity Annex (see campus map). During this time, we have a time of learning, prayer, and other fun activities to grow together in faith.

Triniteens – we will begin on Friday, Sept 6 – see you then!  From September to June, we offer the Triniteen program for high school students, grades 9-12. We meet every Friday night at 7 PM in the Youth Lounge in the Annex until 10 PM. This fun-filled night involves Bible study, games, as well as evenings when we serve our community or have special social events.

For more information contact Morgan Chu.