Do you feel like you could use someone to walk with you for a while? Is the season of your life journey particularly dark or difficult?
Our Lay Pastoral Team is trained and prepared to do home and hospital visits, or to help with practical or personal needs that seem more than you can handle on your own.
James Beck, our Lay Pastoral Associate conducts focused one-on-one meetings to provide Christian spiritual guidance. Please email him or call the office to book an appointment.
Stephen Ministries is a system through which Little Trinity volunteers are trained to provide Christian caregiving to members of our community. For more information about how to connect with a Stephen Minister or to become a trained Stephen Minister, please contact Anita Davis or James Beck.
Remember, you are not alone.

Support Group for Adult Children of Aging Parents – The support group meets via Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to support each other around the issues we encounter as our parents age. We also do occasional education on various topics related to this part of the journey. All are welcome. Please contact James Beck at if you are interested.