Maundy Thursday Seder Meal
April 17 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Jesus’ last supper, the night before his crucifixion was a Passover meal. A meal that told the story of God glorious rescue of his people from slavery in Egypt. Jesus used that meal to reveal to his disciples the meaning of his death and resurrection and what it means for us. In this Seder meal, which is an all ages experience, the traditional foods are explained as they are eaten, and the story of the exodus from Egypt is told as it would be in a Jewish home.
Since it is a full meal, please register for tickets below so we can plan adequately for food. To help defray the cost of the food please consider a donation on the night ($10/person; $20/family). Please let Gae know of any food allergies.
Volunteers are needed for setup, prep and takedown. Please contact Laurie ().
Deadline: Palm Sunday, Apr 13