Ash Wednesday

A service of the Imposition of Ashes will take place to mark the beginning of Lent on February 26 at 7:00 pm.

Downtown Cluster

Come on Sunday in the upper Annex from 10:30am to 11:30am to help us plan the year ahead!  ()

Taizé Choir

Palm Sun, Apr 2, 6:30pm (4pm Rehearsal)  Join our choir for this special musical evening as we enter Holy Week.  Sign up by emailing Jodi () and find out more information at

Maundy Thursday Seder Meal

Jesus’ last supper, the night before his crucifixion was a Passover meal. A meal that told the story of God glorious rescue of his people from slavery in Egypt. Jesus used that meal to reveal to his disciples the meaning of his death and resurrection and what it means for us. In this Seder meal, […]