Advent Serve Opportunities

Embracing compassion over consumption
Give: World leaders agreed that Access to Clean Water and Sanitation is a central priority in their 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. But many Canadians don’t have access to clean running water, and that reality is racialized, predominantly affecting Indigenous people. For twelve years, a network of concerned Anglicans (and friends!) have been partnering with First Nation Communities in securing clean, running water in Indigenous homes across Canada. Lack of clean, running water impacts physical and mental health, hygiene and access to education.
We are raising money for clean water for Kingfisher Lake Reserve in northern Ontario, through the Indigenous Water Project by PWRDF (Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund).
They have been raising $150,000 to purchase a water truck for Kingfisher Lake, and are $35,000 short of that goal.
To donate: give to Little Trinity through the normal channels, and mark your donation for “water project”.
Serve: We have previously partnered with the Church in Regent Park (CIRP), a church who works in Regent Park to provide for both the spiritual and physical needs of their community. CIRP offers weekly drop-in meals to the community, and they are looking for volunteers to join them in helping to serve a meal on December 23 from 4-7pm at Yonge Street Mission. Please speak with Denise Hutchinson if you are interested in this!
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