The Alpha Course course designed to be a safe space to connect with others to discuss life, faith, and hope. Each session begins with dinner at 6:30pm, followed by a video and discussion, ending by 9pm. Our next course will start up in winter 2025 – Wednesday (Jan 15) and runs until Mar 12, 2025.
Who can you invite? Come and bring a friend.
For more info or to sign up email

NEW! The Immerse Course – Starting in January, alongside Alpha (Jan 15-Mar 12), Little Trinity will be offering a new course for those who have attended Alpha and/or anyone who would like to learn more about who Jesus is, what the Bible says and continue to grow in their faith. The 8-week course is called Immerse and will take us through an easy-to-read format of the New Testament. Not like a Bible study – more like a book club.
You’ll get your own (free) Immerse book and be invited to do some reading each week (either from the actual book or via a streamed audio version). And like real book clubs, it doesn’t matter if you finish your reading; just come and discuss!
Like Alpha, we will meet Wednesdays starting Jan 15 at Little Trinity’s Annex upstairs for dinner on us and then have a free-flowing discussion about the text. If this sounds interesting, please contact Jenn at to register.

Weds, Jan 15-Mar 12 – Alpha/Immerse Support Team Needed – Would you like to help support the Alpha course and the new Immerse study starting in January? One of the key ingredients of this endeavor is the hospitality extended in a meal each and every week. If you can support in providing a meal (which could mean cooking, buying groceries, ordering take out, making a donation, serving with a group) please reach out to Jenn at or sign up on the hospitality chart which is by the Connections Desk during the Sunday morning services and at the back in the evening service.